a systematic, industry-specific approach to…
Handling Client Calls
… develop a system for handling (or minimising!) client calls in a way that saves time, increases bookings, feels good and doesn’t just leave you giving away free advice!
Let me guess…
You understand why clients might want to talk to you before handing over their hard-earned cash and entrusting you with their furry friend (in fact, you’re glad that they care!) but…
you’re sick of being caught off-guard when you’re trying to make dinner
you’ve spent countless hours talking to people who never actually book in
it feels like you’re having an interview every time you get on a call
you never really know what to say because you’re terrified of being ‘salesy’
you’re tired of answering basic questions about price/ location etc.
you sometimes feel like you’re just running a free advice line
Well, you’re in luck… I’ve got the perfect thing for you!
Hello there!
I’m Gretta - a Clinical Animal Behaviourist and Dog Trainer, turned business nerd and website geek!
I know from experience that when you’re busy running a business as a dog trainer or animal behaviourist, seeing ‘return call to prospective client’ on your to-do list doesn’t exactly make your heart sing. It’s time consuming, often a little frustrating and, if you’re an introvert like me, potentially quite stressful.
But you can’t necessarily afford a VA to do the job for you (and, even if you could, the client would probably still want to speak to you anyway)…
… so you pick up the phone and hope that you don’t just end up giving them so much of your genius that they think they’ve got all the answers because you know that they really need so much more.
If you keep thinking ‘there has to be another way’, you’re right… there is (lots of them, in fact!). Let me show you how to handle client calls in a way that makes your life easier… and your business better!

This course has highlighted clear points to check on my website, as well as ideas on how to streamline calls. It was especially helpful for me, as someone with ASD/ ADHD, to have actual concrete plans for what to say on calls, as I find speaking on the phone really hard.
Make your life easier with …
Handling Client Calls
An online course to help you develop a system for handling (or minimising!) client calls in a way that works for you and your clients!
video Lessons
… work through the 3 modules with short, easy-to-digest videos, which explain everything you need to know.
… explore the options and be guided in your decision-making to create a personalised path that’s right for you.
… including activities, flowcharts and checklists to help you take action and implement what you’re learning.
… proven, industry-relevant strategies that don’t compromise on your ethics (no pushy sales calls here!).
… learn how best to follow up after a call, incl. email scripts + automation tips to make it as easy as possible.
… access to my private group so that you can connect with like-minded peers, share ideas and ask questions.

Very useful and well structured. I found the whole course extremely user friendly and loved the layout: it has such a professional look and is so easy to follow.
Change the way you handle client calls…
I’ll help you to find a solution that works brilliantly for you, your clients and your business
Sign up today and put the strategies in place straight away
Very useful, clear and easy to follow. Loved the workbook to go alongside the lessons. It’s motivated me to streamline my call-booking system.
This is a great fit for you if…
you’re a self-employed ethical dog trainer or animal behaviourist
you currently offer calls to prospective clients and they’re not quite working how you’d like or you’re thinking of offering calls but don’t know how best to do it or you hate the thought of having to offer prospective client calls and want to find another way!
you want to make the most of your time and energy
you’d like to be led through the different options and feel confident in making a strategic decision that’s right for you and your business
This is not for you if…
you’re not a self-employed ethical dog trainer or animal behaviourist
you’re perfectly happy with what you’re currently doing - it’s working well for you, your business and your prospective clients
you’re not willing to consider different options or where you could improve on your current systems
you won’t actually take action because, let’s be honest, simply doing a course won’t change anything - you have to implement things into your business for it to have any impact

You’ve nailed it again - Hurrah!
I can't emphasise enough just how the helpful the structure is, to identify what strategies are important for me and then what actions I'll need to take. You’ve made a workbook that I can actually fill in without too much (or any) procrastination and short, to-the-point videos that even my brain can manage to stay on track for! I now have clearly defined actions that I have every faith will free up my time because I'll be taking fewer calls, and those I do take will be more fruitful.
Let’s turn handling client calls from an energy-draining necessity to a walk in the park
Yes, you get all of this for just £45!

Quick, easy to follow advice to help me think about how I run my business, the 'mistakes' I am maybe making and how to implement solutions that will work for me.
Feel free to get in touch. In the meantime, these FAQs may help…
This resource mainly focuses on the ‘sustainability’ pillar (because it saves you time and helps you to be more efficient). However, it also encompasses some aspects of the ‘irresistibility’ pillar because the strategies can help you to win over those prospective clients!
6 short teaching videos to lead you through every step of creating a process that's right for you
Comprehensive analysis of all of your options, so that you can make an informed and strategic decision
Workbook with useful prompts and tasks, to help you implement your learning and apply it to your business
Bonus: How and when to follow-up after client calls, with email templates and automation tips
Access to my private community group, to connect with like-minded peers and get support
There are six short teaching videos, along with a comprehensive workbook which guides you through each activity.
Yup - I’m right here with you and can totally relate! There are so many options and absolutely no need for you to offer ‘sales calls’ (or even calls at all!) if you don’t want to. This course isn’t about teaching you one right way to do things - it’s about helping you explore the options to find the best fit for you.
Absolutely! This is a common problem and one which is directly tackled in this course. You’ll come away with proven strategies to help you with this issue so that client calls work well for everyone.
Once you go through the secure checkout, you will be emailed an invoice and your log in information (2 separate emails). Simply follow the instructions to access your purchase. It’s very easy!
Auto-generated closed captions are available on the videos and key teaching points are shared in writing beneath each lesson’s video.
You’ll be able to access the templates and support resources for as long as I keep this item available for sale. If it is ever going to be withdrawn, you would be given a minimum of 1 month’s notice.
Unfortunately, due to the digital nature of this product, refunds are not available. However, if you have any questions, please get in touch.
Yes, of course. You can either send a message via the chat button in the bottom left hand corner or head to the contact page and can get in touch that way.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Develop a system that works for you with…